# # This file is encoded in (so called) SHIFT-JIS, # line delimitor is CR. # HTML Report Writer Goodies for Squeak 1.31, Squeak 2.0 Broken English description This goodies is a modification for Squeak from Mr. AOKI's HTML Report Writer Goodies for VisualWorks 2.5 and VisualWave 1.0 Copyright (c) 1995-1998 AOKI Atsushi 1998/01/05 http://www.sra.co.jp/people/aoki/SmalltalkGoodies/VisualWorks/HtmlRprt.st Summary: This goodies makes html files describing the class specification such as superclass, class comment, variables, method definition, method comment etc. So you can browse it using WebBrowser as Netscape etc. This goodies is good for some documentaion-ing. Installing: FileIn this goodies and makes a class "HtmlReportWriter" in a category "Goodies-Tools". This source adds no change to existing classes or methods. It completes within self. When you want to restore your image, please remove this class "HtmlReportWriter" from your system, simply. how to use: The instance of the class HtmlReportWriter decides the classes to report by gathering on a given pattern (category) and passing through a given filter. If you send a message "report", you can get the report of these classes. For example, | aHtmlReportWriter | aHtmlReportWriter := HtmlReportWriter name: ''Report01'' categories: #(''Goodies*'') filter: [:aClass | aClass name = HtmlReportWriter name]. aHtmlReportWriter report. Above, it point the category pattern matching "Goodies*". Each of these classes is evaluated by aBlockContext filter, picking up each value is true. In this example, the one only class "HtmlReportWriter" will be selected. After above, he instance of the class HtmlReportWriter receives a message "report", saves the reporting files below in the directory "Report01". Report01: Rpt00000.htm Rpt00001.htm The first "Rpt00000.htm" is a index file. The second "Rpt00001.htm" is a report from HtmlReportWriter. If there are more classes, produced Rpt?????.htm incrementally. You can use these reports as Hypertexts with a WebBrowser as Netscape. The classes is listing on Rpt00000.htm. You can add header and footer on each html file, using as to show copyright or system information etc. More information see examples. ########################################################## 青木さんの http://www.sra.co.jp/people/aoki/SmalltalkGoodies/VisualWorks/HtmlRprt.st を Squeak 用にいじったものです。 ドキュメントは http://www.sra.co.jp/people/aoki/SmalltalkGoodies/VisualWorks/HtmlRprt.txt を参照してください。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 西原聡士 (NISHIHARA Satoshi) e-mail: mailto:nishis@zephyr.dti.ne.jp URL: http://www.zephyr.dti.ne.jp/~nishis/ ----------------------------------------------------------