From Squeak2.7 of 5 January 2000 [No updates present.] on 16 November 2001 at 2:15:34 am Answer a description containing the names and instance variable names of all of the subclasses of 'ProtoObject'. ProtoObject () Object () Behavior ('superclass' 'methodDict' 'format' ) ClassDescription ('instanceVariables' 'organization' ) Class ('subclasses' 'name' 'classPool' 'sharedPools' 'environment' 'category' ) [ ... all the Metaclasses ... ] Metaclass ('thisClass' ) BitBlt ('destForm' 'sourceForm' 'halftoneForm' 'combinationRule' 'destX' 'destY' 'width' 'height' 'sourceX' 'sourceY' 'clipX' 'clipY' 'clipWidth' 'clipHeight' 'colorMap' ) CharacterScanner ('lastIndex' 'xTable' 'stopConditions' 'text' 'textStyle' 'alignment' 'leftMargin' 'rightMargin' 'font' 'line' 'runStopIndex' 'spaceCount' 'spaceWidth' 'emphasisCode' 'kern' 'indentationLevel' ) CharacterBlockScanner ('characterPoint' 'characterIndex' 'lastCharacter' 'lastCharacterExtent' 'lastSpaceOrTabExtent' 'nextLeftMargin' 'specialWidth' ) CompositionScanner ('spaceX' 'spaceIndex' 'lineHeight' 'baseline' 'lineHeightAtSpace' 'baselineAtSpace' ) DisplayScanner ('lineY' 'runX' 'foregroundColor' 'backgroundColor' 'lastSourceDepth' 'fillBlt' 'lineHeight' 'paragraph' 'paragraphColor' 'morphicOffset' 'ignoreColorChanges' 'alpha' ) WarpBlt ('p1x' 'p1y' 'p1z' 'p2x' 'p2y' 'p2z' 'p3x' 'p3y' 'p3z' 'p4x' 'p4y' 'p4z' 'cellSize' 'sourceRGBmap' ) Boolean () False () True () ChangeSet ('classChanges' 'methodChanges' 'classRemoves' 'methodRemoves' 'name' 'preamble' 'postscript' 'structures' 'superclasses' ) ClassBuilder ('environ' 'classMap' 'instVarMap' 'progress' 'maxClassIndex' 'currentClassIndex' ) ClassCategoryReader ('class' 'category' 'changeStamp' ) ClassCommentReader () ClassOrganizer ('globalComment' 'categoryArray' 'categoryStops' 'elementArray' 'commentStamp' ) SystemOrganizer () Collection () CharacterSet ('map' ) SequenceableCollection () ArrayedCollection () Array () WeakArray () Bitmap () ByteArray () CompiledMethod () DirectoryEntry ('name' 'creationTime' 'modificationTime' 'dirFlag' 'fileSize' ) RunArray ('runs' 'values' 'lastIndex' 'lastRun' 'lastOffset' ) String () Symbol () Text ('string' 'runs' ) TranslatedMethod () Interval ('start' 'stop' 'step' ) TextLineInterval ('internalSpaces' 'paddingWidth' 'lineHeight' 'baseline' ) LinkedList ('firstLink' 'lastLink' ) Semaphore ('excessSignals' ) OrderedCollection ('array' 'firstIndex' 'lastIndex' ) SortedCollection ('sortBlock' ) Set ('tally' 'array' ) Dictionary () IdentityDictionary () SystemDictionary ('cachedClassNames' ) LiteralDictionary () MethodDictionary () WeakKeyDictionary () WeakValueDictionary () IdentitySet () WeakRegistry ('valueDictionary' 'accessLock' ) Color ('rgb' 'cachedDepth' 'cachedBitPattern' ) TranslucentColor ('alpha' ) Compiler ('sourceStream' 'requestor' 'class' 'context' ) ControlManager ('scheduledControllers' 'activeController' 'activeControllerProcess' 'screenController' 'newTopClicked' ) Controller ('model' 'view' 'sensor' 'lastActivityTime' ) ModalController ('modeActive' ) MouseMenuController ('redButtonMenu' 'redButtonMessages' 'yellowButtonMenu' 'yellowButtonMessages' 'blueButtonMenu' 'blueButtonMessages' ) ScreenController () ScrollController ('scrollBar' 'marker' 'savedArea' 'menuBar' 'savedMenuBarArea' ) ListController () PluggableListController ('terminateDuringSelect' ) ParagraphEditor ('paragraph' 'startBlock' 'stopBlock' 'beginTypeInBlock' 'emphasisHere' 'initialText' 'selectionShowing' 'otherInterval' ) StringHolderController () FillInTheBlankController () PluggableTextController () StandardSystemController ('status' ) NoController () PluggableButtonController ('selector' 'arguments' ) Delay ('delayDuration' 'resumptionTime' 'delaySemaphore' 'beingWaitedOn' ) DisplayObject () DisplayMedium () Form ('bits' 'width' 'height' 'depth' 'offset' ) ColorForm ('colors' 'cachedDepth' 'cachedColormap' ) Cursor () CursorWithMask ('maskForm' ) DisplayScreen ('clippingBox' ) DisplayText ('text' 'textStyle' 'offset' 'form' 'foreColor' 'backColor' ) Paragraph ('clippingRectangle' 'compositionRectangle' 'destinationForm' 'rule' 'mask' 'marginTabsLevel' 'lines' 'lastLine' ) ListParagraph () InfiniteForm ('patternForm' ) Exception ('messageText' 'initialContext' 'resignalException' 'handlerContext' 'tag' 'activeHandler' ) BlockCannotReturn ('result' ) Error () Halt () MessageNotUnderstood ('message' ) ZeroDivide ('dividend' ) IllegalResumeAttempt () Notification () ExceptionAboutToReturn () ExceptionSet ('exceptions' ) FakeClassPool () FileDirectory ('pathName' ) AcornFileDirectory () DosFileDirectory () MacFileDirectory () UnixFileDirectory () CEFileDirectory () InputSensor () InstructionStream ('sender' 'pc' ) ContextPart ('stackp' ) BlockContext ('nargs' 'startpc' 'home' ) MethodContext ('method' 'receiverMap' 'receiver' ) Decompiler ('constructor' 'method' 'instVars' 'tempVars' 'constTable' 'stack' 'statements' 'lastPc' 'exit' 'lastJumpPc' 'lastReturnPc' 'limit' 'hasValue' 'blockStackBase' ) Link ('nextLink' ) Process ('suspendedContext' 'priority' 'myList' 'errorHandler' ) Magnitude () Character ('value' ) Date ('day' 'year' ) LookupKey ('key' ) Association ('value' ) WeakKeyAssociation () WeakValueAssociation () Number () Float () Fraction ('numerator' 'denominator' ) Integer () LargePositiveInteger () LargeNegativeInteger () SmallInteger () Time ('hours' 'minutes' 'seconds' ) Message ('selector' 'args' 'lookupClass' ) Model ('dependents' ) StringHolder ('contents' ) CodeHolder ('showDiffs' 'currentCompiledMethod' ) Browser ('systemOrganizer' 'classOrganizer' 'metaClassOrganizer' 'systemCategoryListIndex' 'classListIndex' 'messageCategoryListIndex' 'messageListIndex' 'editSelection' 'metaClassIndicated' ) MessageSet ('messageList' 'autoSelectString' ) ChangedMessageSet ('changeSet' ) RecentMessageSet () Debugger ('interruptedProcess' 'interruptedController' 'contextStack' 'contextStackTop' 'contextStackIndex' 'contextStackList' 'receiverInspector' 'contextVariablesInspector' 'externalInterrupt' 'proceedValue' 'selectingPC' 'sourceMap' 'tempNames' ) MethodHolder ('methodClass' 'methodSelector' ) FileList ('fileName' 'directory' 'volList' 'volListIndex' 'list' 'listIndex' 'pattern' 'sortMode' 'brevityState' ) FillInTheBlank ('acceptOnCR' 'done' ) Inspector ('object' 'selectionIndex' 'timeOfLastListUpdate' ) ContextVariablesInspector () DictionaryInspector ('keyArray' ) OrderedCollectionInspector () SyntaxError ('class' 'selector' 'category' 'debugger' 'doitFlag' ) Workspace ('bindings' ) ParseNode ('comment' ) AssignmentNode ('variable' 'value' ) BlockNode ('arguments' 'statements' 'returns' 'nArgsNode' 'size' 'remoteCopyNode' ) BraceNode ('elements' 'sourceLocations' 'emitNode' ) CascadeNode ('receiver' 'messages' ) DecompilerConstructor ('method' 'instVars' 'nArgs' 'literalValues' 'tempVars' ) Encoder ('scopeTable' 'nTemps' 'supered' 'requestor' 'class' 'literalStream' 'selectorSet' 'litIndSet' 'litSet' 'sourceRanges' 'globalSourceRanges' ) LeafNode ('key' 'code' ) LiteralNode () SelectorNode () VariableNode ('name' ) TempVariableNode ('isAnArg' 'hasRefs' 'hasDefs' 'scope' ) MessageNode ('receiver' 'selector' 'precedence' 'special' 'arguments' 'sizes' 'pc' 'equalNode' 'caseErrorNode' ) MessageAsTempNode () MethodNode ('selectorOrFalse' 'precedence' 'arguments' 'block' 'literals' 'primitive' 'encoder' 'temporaries' ) ReturnNode ('expr' 'pc' ) ParseStack ('position' 'length' ) Point ('x' 'y' ) PopUpMenu ('labelString' 'font' 'lineArray' 'frame' 'form' 'marker' 'selection' ) SelectionMenu ('selections' ) CustomMenu ('labels' 'dividers' 'lastDivider' 'title' ) StandardFileMenu ('canTypeFileName' ) Preferences () ProcessorScheduler ('quiescentProcessLists' 'activeProcess' ) Random ('seed' 'a' 'm' 'q' 'r' ) RealEstateAgent () Rectangle ('origin' 'corner' ) CharacterBlock ('stringIndex' 'text' 'textLine' ) Quadrangle ('borderWidth' 'borderColor' 'insideColor' ) RemoteString ('sourceFileNumber' 'filePositionHi' ) Scanner ('source' 'mark' 'hereChar' 'aheadChar' 'token' 'tokenType' 'currentComment' 'buffer' 'typeTable' ) Parser ('here' 'hereType' 'hereMark' 'prevToken' 'prevMark' 'encoder' 'requestor' 'parseNode' 'failBlock' 'requestorOffset' 'tempsMark' 'doitFlag' ) StandardFileMenuResult ('directory' 'name' ) Stream () PositionableStream ('collection' 'position' 'readLimit' ) ReadStream () WriteStream ('writeLimit' ) LimitedWriteStream ('limit' 'limitBlock' ) ReadWriteStream () FileStream ('rwmode' ) StandardFileStream ('name' 'fileID' 'buffer1' ) CrLfFileStream ('lineEndConvention' ) HtmlFileStream ('prevPreamble' ) TextStream () TranscriptStream () StrikeFont ('xTable' 'glyphs' 'name' 'stopConditions' 'type' 'minAscii' 'maxAscii' 'maxWidth' 'strikeLength' 'ascent' 'descent' 'xOffset' 'raster' 'subscript' 'superscript' 'emphasis' 'derivativeFonts' 'pointSize' ) SyntaxAttribute ('color' 'emphasis' 'attributeList' ) TextAttribute () TextAction () TextDoIt ('evalString' ) TextLink ('classAndMethod' ) TextURL ('url' ) TextSqkPageLink () TextColor ('color' ) TextEmphasis ('emphasisCode' 'setMode' ) TextFontChange ('fontNumber' ) TextKern ('kern' 'active' ) TextStyle ('fontArray' 'fontFamilySize' 'lineGrid' 'baseline' 'alignment' 'firstIndent' 'restIndent' 'rightIndent' 'tabsArray' 'marginTabsArray' 'leading' 'defaultFontIndex' ) UndefinedObject () Utilities () View ('model' 'controller' 'superView' 'subViews' 'transformation' 'viewport' 'window' 'displayTransformation' 'insetDisplayBox' 'borderWidth' 'borderColor' 'insideColor' 'boundingBox' ) DisplayTextView ('rule' 'mask' 'editParagraph' 'centered' ) FormView ('rule' 'mask' ) ListView ('list' 'selection' 'topDelimiter' 'bottomDelimiter' 'isEmpty' 'textStyle' ) PluggableListView ('getListSelector' 'getSelectionSelector' 'setSelectionSelector' 'getMenuSelector' 'getMenuTitleSelector' 'keystrokeActionSelector' 'autoDeselect' 'items' ) PluggableButtonView ('label' 'getStateSelector' 'actionSelector' 'getLabelSelector' 'getMenuSelector' 'shortcutCharacter' 'askBeforeChanging' 'triggerOnMouseDown' 'complemented' ) StandardSystemView ('labelFrame' 'labelText' 'isLabelComplemented' 'savedSubViews' 'minimumSize' 'maximumSize' 'collapsedViewport' 'expandedViewport' 'labelBits' 'windowBits' 'bitsValid' 'updatablePanes' ) ColorSystemView () StringHolderView ('displayContents' 'hasUnacceptedEdits' 'askBeforeDiscardingEdits' ) FillInTheBlankView () PluggableTextView ('getTextSelector' 'setTextSelector' 'getSelectionSelector' 'getMenuSelector' 'hasEditingConflicts' ) WindowingTransformation ('scale' 'translation' )