# # This file is encoded in (so called) SHIFT-JIS, # line delimitor is CR. # Keyboard Map Enhancements More Goodies for VisualWorks 2.5, VisualWorks Non-Commercial 3.0a Copyleft 1999 NISHIHARA Satoshi Broken English description Summary: This goodies provides some text editing shortcuts. Alt + s accept Alt + f find Dialog Alt + r replace Dialog Alt + g find Alt + d do it (2.5 only, 3.0 already has this feature) Alt + p print it Alt + i inspect it Alt + b browse it Alt + a select all and Shift + arrow keys / expands text selection. (2.5 only, 3.0 already has this feature) How to install: FileIn this goodies and makes a class "MoreKeyboardMapEnhancements" in a category "Goodies-Misc". Removing this goodies makes to restore KeyboardMap, at VisualWorks 2.5. Not initializeDispatchTable. If you wanna change the action of pasting for Windows-faithful behaviour, evaluate below, (but no use undo-ing) "MoreKeyboardMapEnhancements inductMore." If you wanna uninduct default paste behaviour, evaluate below, "MoreKeyboardMapEnhancements uninductMore." cf). "MoreKeyboardMapEnhancements uninduct." will uninstall all of enhancements including modified paste action, if you installed. If you'd installed this modification, there is no selection after pasting, alike Squeak. How to use: You can use short-cut keys as above. ---------------------------------------------------------- m (NISHIHARA Satoshi) e-mail: mailto:nishis@zephyr.dti.ne.jp URL: http://www.zephyr.dti.ne.jp/~nishis/ ----------------------------------------------------------