

Small Playground

updated: Aug 6, 1997

Roadster (SuperCard)

created using: Allegiant SuperCard 3.01.

You need "Roadster Plug-in" (for Macintosh 68K/PPC or Windows95/NT). Get Plug-in from IncWell Roadster Page.

Allegiant says:

Macintosh version of Roadster works best with Netscape Navigator 2.0.2 and Navigator 3.0. Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer will be available in future versions of Roadster for Macintosh.

Windows version of Roadster works best with Netscape Navigator 2.0.2 and Navigator 3.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

BUT Roadster for Windows is terribly BUGGY. It's a piece of wombat. And Roadster for Mac on Netscape 4.01 has some strange behavior.

Running Object (Aug 6, 1997)
chasing and hitting.
(project size: 15KB, width: 365, height: 95)


You need "Java available browser".

created using: Roaster R3, Sun JDK1.0.2.

Checking: Netscape® Communicator 4.01 (Macintosh, Windows95), Sun JDK1.0.2 (Macintosh, Windows95), MRJ1.5b1 (Macintosh), teikade 1.8 R2 (Windows95).

Welcome (Jul 20, 1997)
old fashioned scrolling text.
(applet size: 2KB, width: 258, height: 36)

The Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma (Jul 23, 1997) Created with Roaster
You can modify payment of defect, ratio of defect, size of the one cell, population of the world. And you can place defect or cooperate manually.
Your browser must support "archive" attribute.
(applet size: 23KB, width: 466, height: 550)

Space Oddity (Jul 27, 1997) Created with Roaster
simple animation from Major Tom to Grand Control.
Your browser must support "archive" attribute.
(applet size: 11KB, width: 480, height: 380)

Diffusion Process (Aug 6, 1997) Created with Roaster
simple simulation of random walk of dusts.
Your browser must support "archive" attribute.
(applet size: 18KB, width: 408, height: 480)

Buffon's Needle Problem (Aug 6, 1997) Created with Roaster
Buffon, a French mathematician, experimentally determined a value of pi by casting a needle on a ruled grid in 18th centry.
Your browser must support "archive" attribute.
(applet size: 14KB, width: 400, height: 285)

Created: Jul 27, 1997,